Information on data protection


Satisfied customers are our top priority! In order to offer you the best possible service, we want to ensure that you have a clear idea of how your personal data is collected, processed and used by Pfeifer Logistik GmbH and the associated websites.


1. Scope and intended use of the data we collect: Personal data is only stored, processed and used by Pfeifer Logistik GmbH insofar as this is necessary for the purpose of enabling access, use of our services and any billing. In connection with a registration or a contract, we therefore need your name, your postal address and your e-mail address. In principle, the data will only be kept for as long as is necessary within the framework of the contractual agreement and in compliance with the applicable law; after that, the data, with the exception of the postal address and telephone number, will be deleted immediately by the European Economic Agency.

2. Transmission of the collected data: Other service providers who work in cooperation with Pfeifer Logistik GmbH and whose services the user can access via the website only receive the member ID of the respective user from Pfeifer Logistik GmbH during use for the purpose of possible billing. If Pfeifer Logistik GmbH is informed of the violation of legal provisions by the investigating authorities, the IPs researched by us – as far as technically possible – are transmitted to the authorities within the framework of the law.

3. Protective measures Pfeifer Logistik GmbH works with high technical security standards so that it is not possible for third parties to access your data, with the exception of the postal address and telephone number.

4. Setting of “cookies”: So-called cookies are used for some of the services offered by Pfeifer Logistik GmbH. “Cookies” are small pieces of information that are stored by your browser on your computer’s hard drive and that make the website easier to use, e.g. B. You only have to log in once during a visit with your password and user ID.

5. Consent Beyond the scope presented here, Pfeifer Logistik GmbH treats the data confidentially and in accordance with the relevant users. Any further collection or processing of personal data will only take place with your prior consent.

6. Right to information and removal As a user, you are entitled to view the data stored about you or your pseudonym at Pfeifer Logistik GmbH at any time. At your request, we will comply with this request. Furthermore, you have the right at any time to have your personal data deleted, insofar as they are not required for the proper fulfillment of the contract. If you have any questions or comments, please contact: Pfeifer Logistik GmbH, Wallenhorst.

7. Google Analytics This website uses Google Analytics, a web analysis service provided by Google Inc. (“Google”) Google Analytics uses so-called “cookies”, text files that are stored on your computer and enable an analysis of your use of the website.

The information generated by the cookie about your use of this website (including your IP address) is transmitted to a Google server in the USA and stored there. Google will use this information to evaluate your use of the website, to compile reports on website activity for website operators and to provide other services related to website activity and internet usage. Google may also transfer this information to third parties if required to do so by law or if third parties process this data on Google’s behalf.

Under no circumstances will Google associate your IP address with other Google data. You can prevent the installation of cookies by setting your browser software accordingly; we would like to point out to you however that in this case you can if applicable not use all functions of this website in full. By using this website, you consent to the processing of data about you by Google in the manner and for the purposes set out above.

The Google tracking codes on this website use the “_anonymizeIp()” function, which means that IP addresses are only processed in abbreviated form in order to rule out direct personal reference.